Movavi Video Editor offers a range of built-in features that you can use to make cool video edits that make your videos more interesting and captivating. Whatever type of video you’re making – be it a movie about your trip or a music video – effects will definitely enhance the result.
Some of the most amazing cool video editor effects offered by Movavi Video Editor include:
Chroma Key
The Chroma key effect allows videographers to create beautiful surroundings and landscapes without spending money on arranging the set or going to the actual location. Whether you want to shoot the video in the mountains or even in space, the chroma key effect offered by Movavi Video Editor allows you to combine two different images or videos in a single composition.
Keyframe Animation
The keyframe animation video effect allows you to animate an object where you only need to change the keyframe or conditions that support an object's transformation. With keyframe animation, you can alter the animation's movement speed or even add more keyframes to the existing ones.
Stop Motion
The stop motion video-editing effect allows you to film real objects rather than animations or drawings. These objects are then moved between each frame and photographed to give the illusion of adding motion to the still objects.
Highlight and Conceal
With the highlight and conceal tool, you can either brighten or darken certain parts of the video. Whether you want to hide an object in the video or focus on a particular person in the frame, the highlight and conceal tool completes the task.
Filters, Transitions, and Titles
Movavi Video Editor offers a range of video transitions, filters, and titles to make awesome video effects to give your videos a magic touch. To make your video look more stylish, there are several built-in free filters, transitions, and titles offered by Movavi that allow you to get creative with your imagination.