Suggested bitrates for your videos may vary depending on your chosen streaming platform. For instance, the recommended Twitch, IBM Video Streaming, and YouTube bitrates may be different.
The Twitch platform limits the streaming bitrate to 6000 kbps. This way, the streaming process is more stable.
IBM Video Streaming recommends that its users stick to the 1,200—4,000 kbps upload bitrate for 720p videos as the default. However, it is possible to raise the bitrate of a video if the hardware can ensure successful bitrate encoding of a file.
YouTube users just need to remember that the maximum YouTube bitrate is 85,000 kbps, which is considered a good bitrate for 1080p 60fps videos. The platform also has two sets of recommended bitrates for SDR and HDR uploads. SDR stands for Standard Dynamic Range, and HDR means High Dynamic Range. These abbreviations are often used to describe the quality of a photo or a video. Dynamic range refers to the ratio of the highest and lowest possible values any particular digital system can receive and process.
In the tables below, you will find the YouTube recommended bitrate for both types. Note that fps, or frames per second, in the two columns on the right means the number of images being shown in a single unit of time. To get the bitrate in Mbps, divide the given bitrate in the table by 1,000.